Monday, May 7, 2018

Top Traveling Advice: How To Save a Lot Of Cash On a Trip

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Many people dream of traveling the world and exploring new places. Many of them don’t push through. A lot, in fact, don’t even reach the planning stage. Why? Because they (mistakenly) believe that traveling will cost an arm and a leg, and they just don’t have that kind of money saved up.

While there is some truth that people may need to shell out a substantial amount of cash for travel, there are ways to cut costs drastically. Below are some of these travel techniques experienced travelers have shared.

Accommodations: Next to plane fare, accommodation people will probably be the biggest expense. Remember, some places are way inexpensive than five-star hotels. On an average, places such as hostels, apartments, and for the more adventurous types, hospitality exchanges, are more affordable.

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Luggage: Packing light has helped travelers in many ways. Bringing only the most important things on a trip can help people avoid being charged extra for excess weight.

Food: A rule of thumb when traveling is to avoid food establishments near historical monuments and tourist spots. Not only do these places jack up the prices of their food, but the food itself is also mediocre at best. For people who want to sample excellent and much more affordable cuisine, it’s best to ask the locals.

Erik Horbacz is the CEO and founder of StoolDuel, Inc. He is an entrepreneur who loves to travel and stay fit. For more about him and his passions, check out this site.

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